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High School RP
"No you can not." *Miss Jessia glances at her desk and seeing nothing curses mentally* Why do I have to be so gullible!?!?!?!? Well I'll just make them have detention this afternoon....hopefully I won't forget. "Since no-one will admit it, you will all have detention this afternoon."
"WHAT!?!?!?! That sucks!!!" *Storm shouted angrily*
hmmmm *says to himself quietly* i wonder if i'll show up, seeing as i never do, XD
"I doubt anyone will show up." *Storm muttered*
haha, well i most likely won't, XD
"I'm not exactly a goody-two-shoes myself." *Storm then turns to Miss Jessia* "If that's all can we leave now?"
"..." I don't know what to say... they're supposed to be just a little more down about it *MIss Jessia sighed* "Yes that is all, you may go."
hahahaha, *runs away happily*
*Storm grabs her bag and walks quickly outside* "Free from Miss Jessia at last, damnit she's annoying!"
hmmm i wonder what i have next, if i have something next?
*Storm looks at her timetable* "We've got Science in Science Lab 5." *Storm adds silently to herself sarcastically* Joy Science!
woohoo chemicals *remembers the day he blew up the science lab* hmmmmm, that was fun

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